[Release Thread] Overwatch

Have you played the new patch?! Every character is viable at this point! In fact, maps and chokes seem to be dictating composition rather than the heroes themselves. A GOOD THING I SAY!
the current meta is much better than last season... the diversity in tourneys is much higher now. before it was always the same mirror match.

they really need to add a teemo hero, to satisfy that tick inside of me tho :p:... mei fills that void a little now
so many terribad dps in this game.

just had a game where we started with a real strong 2-2-2 comp on eichenwalde, unfortunately i was locked out of dps.

we barely made it out of the spawn and i had gold elims on rein with 4. wtf how is it possible to suck so bad at dps that you can't kill an over extended reaper and an over extended pharah?

on defense i switched to mccree and raped so we salvaged a draw at least but seriously wtf is wrong with people?
that doesn't indicate anything.
sounds like you flailed and cleaned up a bunch of grouped defenders who were already hurting.

really typical of rein and really typical on that first point too.
No, you dont understand. Reaper and phara alone kept us pinned. Dps couldnt kill them. I had a charge kill and 3 firestrike kills on them. Trying to shield but the team was clueless.

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anyone else feel the 2 healer meta is overrated? srsly like 90% of my games the 2 healer comp loses to the 1 healer.

i feel like its a tourney only meta, that the laymen try to reproduce and it fails.

it especially makes less sense if half the comp already self heals anyway, like if u have a roadhog and soldier.
anyone else feel the 2 healer meta is overrated? srsly like 90% of my games the 2 healer comp loses to the 1 healer.

i feel like its a tourney only meta, that the laymen try to reproduce and it fails.

it especially makes less sense if half the comp already self heals anyway, like if u have a roadhog and soldier.

i dropped to gold for a bit and every fuckin wannabe MGL pro was shouting


once I got back higher into plat people usually just play whatever their strongest character is and don't talk much
ya im stuck in that 2400 scrubland... normally i dont say shit but 2 healers annoys me enuf to speak up pregame. esp on attack.
I still haven't had a game on eichenwalde.. I'm playing comp and it hasn't come up, I fear the time that it does because I'll have absolutely NFI what to do ;)
it really isn't all that. the flank routes are all fairly obvious. the only thing not entirely obvious is the route to the top of the ... parapet? the castley thing after the first point. it will take you like 3 seconds to figure out how to get up there, maybe less.

god help you if you're on a bad team and the opposition has a bastion up there. will take 4 minutes for the bads to figure out how to counter him.
eichenwalde's cool if you're on defense cause it's a free win. if you're on offense just suck it up and lose.

eichenwalde is 3 nigh fucking impossible choke points to get through
anyone else feel the 2 healer meta is overrated? srsly like 90% of my games the 2 healer comp loses to the 1 healer.

i feel like its a tourney only meta, that the laymen try to reproduce and it fails.

it especially makes less sense if half the comp already self heals anyway, like if u have a roadhog and soldier.

i think its so big at the top level because healers are focused so hard, one is bound to die in a fight. if they aren't getting focused, it might not be as big of a deal.
A lot of comps work, I don't make suggestions at the start anymore. If we aren't progressing then I start talking about what might help, usually it is just getting people to group up.

If the team has 2 flankers 2 healers doesn't help much because people are too spread out, maybe that is why at the high level they go 2 support because they are always attacking together.

Support isn't just about healing though, it is what they bring as far as their ults and other abilities, with zen discord nerf, and lucio speed nerf more options opened up.
i don't know, i've lost just about every match where the other team has had 2 healers and my team has had one

like fire said, the single hero always targeted. happend to me this morning, being the solo healer....couldn't stay alive at all