
i'm so sick of how fucking fat people are

today I went to get some groceries and we saw this fat whale going around on her scooter thing that's for handicapped people. She obviously wasn't handicapped because she'd get up to reach for something on a top shelf. pissed me off. and she was on the phone and had it on speaker phone because she's an annoying twat nugget and we could hear her daughter or someone giving her a list of things to buy to stuff her fat fucking face with.

everywhere I go in this city I see so many overweight people it's disgusting. how can you live like that? I feel dirty and greasy just looking at these fat fucks walking around. the biggest threat to america isn't terrorism or jews or barack obama, it's fucking obesity.... and the sad thing is kids are growing up like this too. I mean I used to play a lot of video games as a kid but we'd also run around outside like crazy and plays lots of sports. now they just sit inside playing WoW like skysnipe. pathetic
tru dat.

i don't even like food that much. If it's not a good steak or some hot wings from BWW/WS i couldn't care less.
i'm so sick of how fucking fat people are

today I went to get some groceries and we saw this fat whale going around on her scooter thing that's for handicapped people. She obviously wasn't handicapped because she'd get up to reach for something on a top shelf. pissed me off. and she was on the phone and had it on speaker phone because she's an annoying twat nugget and we could hear her daughter or someone giving her a list of things to buy to stuff her fat fucking face with.

everywhere I go in this city I see so many overweight people it's disgusting. how can you live like that? I feel dirty and greasy just looking at these fat fucks walking around. the biggest threat to america isn't terrorism or jews or barack obama, it's fucking obesity.... and the sad thing is kids are growing up like this too. I mean I used to play a lot of video games as a kid but we'd also run around outside like crazy and plays lots of sports. now they just sit inside playing WoW like skysnipe. pathetic

you never know if they have an underlying medical condition or slow metabolism or something. one of my relatives gained a lot of weight after losing a gallbladder in an accident. it's easy to condemn them, but honestly I bet fat people already have problems with health, mobility, esteem, without strangers in their face about something that really isn't their business.
when was I in their face? I don't tell fat people they're fat to their face because they're usually trailer trash and there's no point in starting a fight with them.

I'm sure some have medical conditions but the vast majority are obese due to being lazy as fuck and eating way too much.
you never know if they have an underlying medical condition or slow metabolism or something. one of my relatives gained a lot of weight after losing a gallbladder in an accident. it's easy to condemn them, but honestly I bet fat people already have problems with health, mobility, esteem, without strangers in their face about something that really isn't their business.

hello i'm fat too
ok you weren't in their face but you came off as really harsh. I agree people should exercise and not overeat, but bitching about it isn't going to change the fact that they're that way. idk guess you're lucky to have been active :sunny: