
see i feel like if i were in that position, fat and couldn't really help myself anymore, i would do everything i could to instill the exact opposite in my children. maybe i couldn't be saved but by god i wouldn't want my children to face the same shit i would.

From that point of view, humanity seems really pitiful...

I wonder what what parents are thinking instead of this?
see i feel like if i were in that position, fat and couldn't really help myself anymore, i would do everything i could to instill the exact opposite in my children. maybe i couldn't be saved but by god i wouldn't want my children to face the same shit i would.

It simply amazes me when I see a fat whale bringing her two 9 year old kids to McDonald's (yes I get McDonald's sometimes)
From that point of view, humanity seems really pitiful...

I wonder what what parents are thinking instead of this?
they don't think being fat and disgusting is a problem, duh. or they make up excuses, people are really good at that

seriously, fat people should be less socially accepted than drug users. at least drugs are addictive, what's a fatty's excuse? oh yeah, total lack of self-discipline
they don't think being fat and disgusting is a problem, duh. or they make up excuses, people are really good at that

seriously, fat people should be less socially accepted than drug users. at least drugs are addictive, what's a fatty's excuse? oh yeah, total lack of self-discipline

You can be severely addicted to anything, including food.
yes, because not having the willpower to resist devouring everything that comes your way and drugs wrecking the neurons in your brain is the same thing, right?

yes, because not having the willpower to resist devouring everything that comes your way and drugs wrecking the neurons in your brain is the same thing, right?


Willpower is willpower. A craving is a craving.

Who was that dude? Audi Murphy I think. Got addicted to painkillers after WWII. When he realized he was addicted he went cold turkey and locked himself in a hotel room for a week. He was fine after that.

It's just as easy for me to not eat a fucking cheeseburger every time I'm near McD's as it is to not buy liquor every time I'm at the grocery store. I do both on occasion, but I can say no to a craving. Some people are just pussies.
Willpower is willpower. A craving is a craving.

Who was that dude? Audi Murphy I think. Got addicted to painkillers after WWII. When he realized he was addicted he went cold turkey and locked himself in a hotel room for a week. He was fine after that.

It's just as easy for me to not eat a fucking cheeseburger every time I'm near McD's as it is to not buy liquor every time I'm at the grocery store. I do both on occasion, but I can say no to a craving. Some people are just pussies.
except drugs can physically damage your brain, and eating can't.

but yeah, otherwise they're totally the same
except drugs can physically damage your brain, and eating can't.

but yeah, otherwise they're totally the same

everyone knows that before they do drugs, so that makes druggies stupid.

1 french study, 2 from beijing:
In univariate analysis, correlates of overweight were low parental education, low monthly income, Disadvantaged School Areas (DSAs), self-reported generalized anxiety, parent-reported conduct disorders, emotional problems, and peer difficulties. High monthly income was less frequently associated with overweight.
The psychosocial burden of excess weight appears to be significant even in young children.
Both parental overweight and low parental education were significantly higher among overweight than normal-weight children. The total energy intake was significantly higher in overweight than in normal-weight children at 12-35 months of age. Compared with normal-weight children, significantly fewer overweight children were breast-fed for at least 4 months. Overweight children were also more likely to have been introduced to infant formula and semi-solid foods during the first 4 months. CONCLUSION: Early prevention strategies should include feeding practices identified as putting children at risk of obesity. These include early cessation of breast-feeding and premature introduction of other foods.
Child overweight was associated with parental overweight, low maternal education level, food restriction, and television watching

-the poorer and less educated your parents are, the more likely to be fat
-even young children suffer psychologically from being fat
-breast feeding is good

interesting how before, fatness was a sign of wealth and now it's the opposite.
it's always a glandular problem. or a hormone imbalance. never "i'm lazy and i eat a lot"
i hate fat people a little more every day. i was at the county fair, and there were so many fat children i almost cried. eating doughboys (fried dough, elephant ears, funnel cake without the funnel) with sugar AND maple syrup, then finishing it up with a diet coke. eating a whole "blooming onion" to the head. then fried oreos for dessert.

i'm pretty fat myself, but losing weight and not making excuses