Tribes : Ascend

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New Scotty Z sighting (link):

TheGreatScotty said:
Hi, its me again, Scott Zier. I just want to take moment and speak to all you meme thread people who obviously don't get it. I will use example from alpha thread.

While I personally try to avoid explaining design choices to those we are looking for feedback from (it kind of defeats the purpose if I have to convince you of something with words - aye? It plays or it does not.) I can see that my lack of posting has given the wrong impression of how we take feedback. I'm sorry. We all work extremely hard on Tribes and often crunch through the night for you guys. It can be hard to break away and post, but it's something I'll work on.

I have no time for you. I can't explain my genius design decision with word. I mean, word? Isn't that a program in microsoft office?

Here is why. In my previous post I mention the drug problem here at hi-rez. See everyday we slam a speedball enema and then get to 'work' right. We eat some peyote button, smoke some hash, then talk design.

We don't bother testing this stuff, or writing down. It either works or it wont right? We can't go back though because we dont know where we start.

Like how did we end up with 10 different hit-scan weapon? Speed caps on each class? Nobody knows.

Someone mention i spend most of time in test with a spinfusor loadout. How did that happen? Nobody know but all it prove is we are high as kite.

I will say this, you should buy beta. We need more drugs to finish designing this game. Without more drugs I fear the game never be complete. So please, send us more money for beta. It not like we will listen to your stupid idea either way so you may as well give us money right?

After all, we did buy tribe. Don't you want to thank us for that by giving money?

Thank you,

Scott Zier

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Oh, and apparently people who "have time" to make intelligent, reasoned, well written posts should be ignored because those people only "win" arguments because of their personality. And they don't have a "holistic" enough view to matter, because other bad decisions that have been made or bad mechanics that will be added in the future will balance things out... in other words:
That was my favorite part. Not-so-subtly implying that the people who were putting an effort into making their posts both thorough and constructive were somehow lesser people for "having the time" to do so. No, you fuckwads, they MADE the time because they care about the outcome of this game. I mean there's developer arrogance, and then there's blatant disrespect. I'm not even 100% sure what they were getting at. That the people doing so were losers? Or that their target audience isn't people with free time? I don't get it. Because it's absolutely insane and delusional.
Well when you put it that way it's not actually an improvement

In fact it looks like an enormous step backwards
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