Tribes : Ascend

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it has to be him. the fake scott post was up for a long time. slobberjockey shows up, i saw him post in a thread, then the fake scott posts disappears.

the meme thread was still up for awhile after this, i see another slobber post, then the meme thread goes away. i bet he was reading through each post looking for an excuse to delete the whole thing. i'm guessing the hitler post was enough.

instead of just deleteing that one post the entire thread gets nuked.

I think we should start smearing their facebook page. Make a bunch of fake facebook profiles that link back to fake emails. Use pictures from the meme thread and or pics of todd and scott. then smear the shit out of their facebook page.

Do you have them saved? I'd be interested in reading them. If not, I'm sure you're in a homicidal rage right now, and I feel for ya. Something similar happened to me on the WoW forums when I had a bunch of really popular, in depth threads about fixing PvP going.
Do you have them saved? I'd be interested in reading them. If not, I'm sure you're in a homicidal rage right now, and I feel for ya. Something similar happened to me on the WoW forums when I had a bunch of really popular, in depth threads about fixing PvP going.

I wish I did :/

Was kinda fun for me because I'd never tried putting into a logical argument why features of Tribes made it what it was.
I wish I did :/

Was kinda fun for me because I'd never tried putting into a logical argument why features of Tribes made it what it was.

Well, shit. I don't know when they purged your posts, but I'm still hoping that someone used a forum downloader on the alpha forums and throws the whole thing up in a torrent.
Well, shit. I don't know when they purged your posts, but I'm still hoping that someone used a forum downloader on the alpha forums and throws the whole thing up in a torrent.

I dunno if they purged them - I lost access to alpha forums when I called Stew out on his bullshit. If they just locked them properly after the previous leak the posts might still be there, but maybe they nuked everything too :shrug:
Funny's aside this is actually really sad. :(. I really had high hopes for this game. I honestly have nothing against Hi-rez. They need to make money. But the changes they have made to the class/loadout system in this game are extremely upsetting.

The irony is that it wouldn't take much to make amends and fix some of the problems. Even if they decided to allow custom classes and such we haven't even smoothed over the physics issues. I always thought pleasing everybody would come down to the movement and physics. Who would have thought they would go out and radically change the class/loadouts system all together.
somebody needs to do a video doing silly things like running across whole maps without jetting or skiing and going up and down in the noob tubes going into the base (general nonsense making fun of t:a shit) so i can speed it up really fast, put the the benny hill theme in the background and put their silly official tribes ascend art stamp on top. maybe i'll spruce it up with some cool effects in after effects. :)
I dunno if they purged them - I lost access to alpha forums when I called Stew out on his bullshit. If they just locked them properly after the previous leak the posts might still be there, but maybe they nuked everything too :shrug:

i think slobberjockey has Duke on his speed dial or IM or something. I called him out, minutes later I get warned by Duke.
Funny's aside this is actually really sad. :(. I really had high hopes for this game. I honestly have nothing against Hi-rez. They need to make money.

What kills me is that I don't think they realize that T1+new graphics could be a cash cow. All T1+new graphics would need is a decent marketing campaign, good tutorials (thinkin maybe following ghost cappers a la modern racing games), achievements based on high level play (ex: cap on SH in under 5 seconds or kill 3 players via mamd in a game), and an integrated ladder/clan system. I had my 14 year old brother play T1 a few years ago and he was skiing and HOing in no time and he fucking loved it... except, no one aside from 10 year vets were playing it and the graphics are super dated.
What kills me is that I don't think they realize that T1+new graphics could be a cash cow. All T1+new graphics would need is a decent marketing campaign, good tutorials (thinkin maybe following ghost cappers a la modern racing games), achievements based on high level play (ex: cap on SH in under 5 seconds or kill 3 players via mamd in a game), and an integrated ladder/clan system. I had my 14 year old brother play T1 a few years ago and he was skiing and HOing in no time and he fucking loved it... except, no one aside from 10 year vets were playing it and the graphics are super dated.

NO DUDE! there has to be hit-scan CoD weapons or it can't sell!

it is fairly clear that these guys are clueless or they have unrealistic expectations.
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