Tribes : Ascend

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i like how they make the case for no disc+2 but they ALREADY made the game with the cg in practically every loadout...pistol=semiauto weak cg..smg=fullyauto weak cg...asullt rifle=fully auto not so weak do they not realize they are doing what they dont want just in a diff way?
i think that the hi-rez guys are like chrysler in the early 1990s

lame plastic body cladding along the bottom of cars became fashionable around 1992/3

chrysler decided that the body cladding had to become larger, bulker and multi-hued, specifically on the grand cherokee models of 1994 and later

by 1998, the jeep grand cherokee had an astonishing 7 vertical feet of plastic trim rising up from the base of the vehicle and the civilized world concluded that plastic trim -- especially the bulky, cheap, easily scratched chrysler type trim -- has absolutely no business being on cars

cod style gameplay is the contemporary fps equivalent of the plastic on cars in the early 90s, and hi-rez are dead set on doing it wrong, just like chrysler
so what you're saying is we're going to see hi-rez commercials with thevuls shitty rap and a tag line "Imported from Alpharetta" pretty soon?

this one is :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i am saying that we will see hi-rez begging a congressional panel for bailout funds b/c they are clearly an essential, valued component of the gaming industry
How ascend is gonna turn out.......we need Miss Cleo. Only she knows if cod players will like the game or not.
if we can convince the developers to ditch the solid boundary...

I dont know if they could do that. I know you can make huge maps in unreal but I would imagine it would drastically alter performance. I'm sure there is a reason the current game will only support up to 32 players. Thats one gripe I have with building Tribes on an unreal engine. There seems to be a lot of constraints. I'm sure there is a reason Red5 did not choose unreal for firefall which will be capable of supporting hundreds of players.
Well, I guess you can count a majority of the tribers out...

Too soon to say. So far I hate a lot of the stuff I'm hearing/HiRez in general, but if the game is truly free to play, and others from TW are playing it, I think plenty will just come to grips with the reality that it's 2011 and not 1998(grudgingly).
I dont know if they could do that. I know you can make huge maps in unreal but I would imagine it would drastically alter performance. I'm sure there is a reason the current game will only support up to 32 players. Thats one gripe I have with building Tribes on an unreal engine. There seems to be a lot of constraints. I'm sure there is a reason Red5 did not choose unreal for firefall which will be capable of supporting hundreds of players.

I have it on good authority that with constraints comes creativity.
i have a question

correct me if im wrong but i remember a while back them saying that their bullet weapons were projectile weapons with very fast projectile velocities. now they're calling them hitscan? so is it actually hitscan or not?
They are there for a reason as the maps don't repeat...
I believe they could have made some better looking scenery to disguise the fact that it's a boundary though... How about some curvature/randomness to the outer area, and no boulders?

I guess the story behind this map it's an atoll... With massive boulders placed around the main sand bar:
Tribes Ascend Crossfire - YouTube


So HiRez seems to really hate me.

The meme thread is gone and so is my art contest entry...

At this point they can just collectively go fuck themselfs. I hope they drown in their own farts, fucking wanking bastards.
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