TW Loves Drama, Right? COMEON!

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So wait who is she doing currently?

I mean, can I get in on this? Do I have to get AIM or go to UVALAN or something first? Is 35 too old? Should I say I am 23?

Where the party people at?
firstable, thanks mogs

and colosus, i hope u reconsider. but if you choose to remain this way, i guess there's nothing i can do. but don't blame for glare "acting like an idiot" (which you've clearely stated). im out for now.
TerraForce said:
firstable, thanks mogs

and colosus, i hope u reconsider. but if you choose to remain this way, i guess there's nothing i can do. but don't blame for glare "acting like an idiot" (which you've clearely stated). im out for now.

There is something you can do. Stop acting like an attention whore.
Well, if you care then maybe stop making attention whore posts...seldom do I see anything more from you than that. This post was not to warn anyone about LoD...if was to tell everyone about your trist with continue your reports on your personal life. If you care what col thinks then maybe you will take what he says into concideration instead of acting so shocked he might not like you...plenty here dont like you I am sure...again...its only shocking that he doesnt like you because he is 'special' cause he is the admin. You yourself said he hardly said a word to you in real life...why does it come to you as a shock that a person who shpwed no interest in you inr does the same here online...shocked a person wouldn't like you...I dont but you went out of your way to fuck with me...

anyway...not to post more about your favorite subject (yourself)...You could either hear col and change if you care...or realize col is just a regular guy who runs a forum that lives with his sister and no better than anyone else IRL...whether he likes you or not means nothing, since you obviously got this far without him likeing you...I'm outtie...
DruMAX said:
anyway...not to post more about your favorite subject (yourself)...You could either hear col and change if you care...or realize col is just a regular guy who runs a forum that used to live with his sister and no better than anyone else IRL...whether he likes you or not means nothing, since you obviously got this far without him likeing you...I'm outtie...

TerraForce said:
firstable, thanks mogs

and colosus, i hope u reconsider. but if you choose to remain this way, i guess there's nothing i can do. but don't blame for glare "acting like an idiot" (which you've clearely stated). im out for now.

He'll reconsider when you offer evidence that he is mistaken, ie: by not being an attention whore anymore.

Good luck with that!

Someone PM me her number FOR GOD'S SAKE! I know how to handle the psychotics.
i love how this thread turned into people caring more about colosus liking them then its original purpose

the fact of the matter is

colosus is fat and it doesnt matter what fat people think
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