TW Loves Drama, Right? COMEON!

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I just find it interesting to actually know what people think, instead of sitting inside my socially insecure bubble just wondering.
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Colosus.. do you like me?

[ ]Yes
[ ]No
[ ]Maybe

put an x in one and give the note back to me after class
Okay...everyone go outside and stop refreshing...its a nice day and col loves you all (but not terra).
Here's the heart to everyone


<-- hates no one :D

<-- signs yes on everyone's notes to Colosus for him.

Deep down, he loves you too. But it's more like "tough love." He'll slap you around, but only 'cause he loves you.
news flash!!!

colosus is an asshole nazi who is also fat, why would u give a fuck if he likes u or not.

just because he doesnt like u doesn't mean ur gonna get banned from this forum.

this turned into the gayest thread in the history of tw, due to the fact that 10 people asked colosus if he likes them.

if colosus likes you then you should fucking know it without having to ask him.

i hate tw.
I'm going to fix this post.

untouchable said:
news flash!!!

colosus is a FRIENDLY MAN who is also SNUGGLY, I LOVE HIM.

just because he doesnt like u doesn't mean ur gonna get banned from this forum.

this turned into the gayest thread in the history of tw, due to the fact that 10 people asked colosus if he likes them.

if colosus likes you then you should fucking know it without having to ask him.


:heart: :D
BeavisNuke said:
if i buy you guys something will you like me?????

depends on what type of item.

I just got the picture in my head from the family guy where they randomly go the zales diamond commercial and then it says 'because then'll she'll have to...' and the shadow begins to go down. :}
Terra, you are an idiot, sorry but it's true...


if you had a relationship with a girl that most of us have know for awhile not to be nothing other than a slut and whoring around the guys in icq/irc whatever and sending them nakie pics of herself that makes you and idiot

if you didn't and this thread about breaking up is fake then you are just an attention whore which makes you an idiot...

no matter what way you look at it you are an idiot

had sex with a minor, idiot
claiming that you didn't know, couldn't tell, idiot
having a g/f that has let her pics be plaster all over the internet, idiot
letting your penis make your deicisons for you, idiot

you don't need to warn anyone else, people were warned months and months ago before you and your g/f even let out you were 'dating'

what an idiot :D
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