TW Loves Drama, Right? COMEON!

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my watching a guy thats on fire..who wants to gargle with aviation gas and use nitro for a bodyspray
ButterflySneeze said:
oh yeah, well, i'd rather be a member, than be you!


:rolleyes: p0w doesnt suit you, leave that to sarc and the other internet cool guys. least im not the one smurfing
Mav said:
if it really bothers you im still here, and im still replying, please by all means use ignore Arch, save yourself the embarassment.
Save yourself the embarassment from what? The fact that I have a fucking great life? I have a beautiful girl? A great job while being in college? Yeah I am really embarassed to be talking.

Fuck man, the only thing that will get rid of this vicious circle for you is to get off your ass, get a job, and just be happy. I honestly don't know how you can be happy being unemployed and overweight, but if you're happy, more power to you.

Oh yeah, and you can't possibly ever get me to ignore you or anyone else. No reason to.
Mav said:
that as well. there's oh so many words to choose from that i can use to describe you.

the funny part is, all those words fall back to one root relationship; evil
JuggerNaught said:
my watching a guy thats on fire..who wants to gargle with aviation gas and use nitro for a bodyspray

you must be watching a different thread man

this is quality entertainment right here

i reply just like anyone else

and within 5 minutes, thread is derailed onto myself, all due to the internet tough guys who like to talk shit about other people, to make themselves feel better

its like high school, mixed with grade school playground taunts
hey did you guys ever think terra is the bad guy here and LoD thought terraforce was her age?

Cuz he does look like he's about 10 years old.
Mav said:
Shouldn't you be hitting on people in irc or something

or has your brother got you on too tight a leash

...what? Way to make no sense there, buddy. I don't hit on people in irc - I have a boyfriend and that would be an enormous waste of energy and time, plus, I'm not LOD.

Why would my brother have me on a leash. :| You need help.
Archimedes said:
Yep, being overweight and unemployed is good!

As I said Arch, it's morals.

In one hand you can be fat, unemployed (which is why im in school but hey most people use selective memory on that part), and still living at home

In the other hand, you can be satan, or a rough equivlent of evil just as bad

I'll take the first hand, gimme fat over evil any day
Rabid Poop said:
hey did you guys ever think terra is the bad guy here and LoD thought terraforce was her age?

Cuz he does look like he's about 10 years old. the other 50 guys she's 'dated' on tw?
Mav said:
its like high school, mixed with grade school playground taunts
actually all the fat people at my school weren't teased; they were actually going to amount to something someday
mav, fighting the injustices of internet evil, one silly canadian at a time.

The fact is, mav, what pagy says over the internet doesn't reflect who he is in real life, but your pictures reflect that in real life, you are indeed, related to some form of whale.
gofishgrrl. said:
...what? Way to make no sense there, buddy. I don't hit on people in irc - I have a boyfriend and that would be an enormous waste of energy and time, plus, I'm not LOD.

Why would my brother have me on a leash. :| You need help.

please, if im an attention whore as most people say

then you damn well know you are as well. you dont play tribes, at all, some select females in the community, yet you're still here for no good reason other than to flaunt that you're female.

you're brother, if he was a good one, would never let you near this place, ever. obviously he's too busy gettin high
/me runs into the room, waving his arms over his head violently.
/me tries to slap as many people as possible... in the ammount of time it takes me to run across the room flailing my arms.
/me runs out of the room, waving his arms over his head violently.

omg hi2u, im mav. lets see how many people i can try to piss off.
Rabid Poop said:
mav, fighting the injustices of internet evil, one silly canadian at a time.

The fact is, mav, what pagy says over the internet doesn't reflect who he is in real life, but your pictures reflect that in real life, you are indeed, related to some form of whale.

If my pictures do reflect my physical size, which they do, then people like Pagy's, internet attitude actions etc also depict what they are IRL

the worst kind of bad.
Mav said:
As I said Arch, it's morals.

In one hand you can be fat, unemployed (which is why im in school but hey most people use selective memory on that part), and still living at home

In the other hand, you can be satan, or a rough equivlent of evil just as bad

I'll take the first hand, gimme fat over evil any day
sloth = deadly sin
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