TW Loves Drama, Right? COMEON!

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gofishgrrl. said:
1. I used to play Tribes - albeit not very much, but I still played it. I used to play a TON of Quake, but I'm more into DAOC now. I don't have to play Tribes all the fucking time just to post in this forum. I post in the same way you do, but I don't whine all the fucking time and the only thing that's "flaunting" the fact that I'm female is that "grrl" is in my name. As I've explained before - this nick is about 4 years old.

2. "You are" brother?

3. My brother is 3 years younger than me. He has no business telling me where I should and shouldn't be posting on the internet, and why would he do that anyway? It's TRIBALWAR. It's just a bunch of people flaming others. I don't give a fuck about what people think about me on here, so it doesn't matter anyway.

4. My brother may get high, but he has a job, goes to school, goes to the gym regularly, has a ton of friends, and is an awesome guy. More than I can say for you, darling. Just stfu/stfd.

1. you lost all crediblity when you said you played quake
2. typo
3. still, a brother who, at one point was more popular amongst the community back when TsN still cared, would never let his sister even an older sister, visit tribalwar.
4. i care, why?
But the way people want to act, but never can in real life come out in text. you arent ever supposed to take anything in text serious enough to think that the person posting would phyically do what they say, or anything remotely similar to what they say they would do.

That being, beating people up. or hitting on a girl someone posted they didnt have the balls to.. alllll the way to kicking your ass :shrug:

also, playing quake has nothing to do with anything about gaming. what the fuck other games were out at the time that were better?
Rabid Poop said:
uhh what's wrong with that?

I think of tribalwar has a virtual playground, make fun of each other and everyone laughs about it, if you take this shit serious then that is a REAL problem.

also define "alot of things"

if i took tw serious, id have gone crazy by now, shooting schools and robbing banks and such. be that as it may, its still stupid for people to act different just cause they can. its like little kids, with a babysitter. when the parents go out, they think its perfectly ok to act like a fucking idiot cause the parental units arent home. bad example but still.

by alot of things, i meant alot of things wrong with the forums. i wont go into that, huge list (mainly people), etc
Mav said:
its like little kids, with a babysitter. when the parents go out, they think its perfectly ok to act like a fucking idiot cause the parental units arent home. bad example but still.


1. people/kids somtimes act stupid.
2. people post stupid examples.
Mav said:
1. you lost all crediblity when you said you played quake
2. typo
3. still, a brother who, at one point was more popular amongst the community back when TsN still cared, would never let his sister even an older sister, visit tribalwar.
4. i care, why?

1. No, I didn't. Some people like games that others don't - it's called an opinion. Of course, yours usually suck, but I won't hold it against you for too long.

2. It wasn't a typo, admit it.

3. What is he going to do, block Tribalwar from my computer? You have the most ridiculous mentality, ever. He obviously knows I'm mature enough to "handle" reading Tribalwar. It's not a big deal. You, however, ARE a "big" deal.

4. You care because you're trying to flame me.
k, read the first post(pretty good shit)

Other than that is it worth wasting my time reading the other 30 odd pages?

Does LOD ever post in it?

Thanks for your answers in advance.
Mav said:
its funny how, your friends that are fat you'll acknowledge their accomplishments, but myself, nothing is ever an accomplishment.

graduating high school, going to college (albeit a shitty one), etc

for most people those are standard things to do, but for those of us who have to try harder to do them, we feel they are accomplishments, in their own right. lovely double standard you have

By the way, this is hilarious. Graduating high school is an "accomplishment?"

SniperOmega said:
But the way people want to act, but never can in real life come out in text. you arent ever supposed to take anything in text serious enough to think that the person posting would phyically do what they say, or anything remotely similar to what they say they would do.

That being, beating people up. or hitting on a girl someone posted they didnt have the balls to.. alllll the way to kicking your ass :shrug:

also, playing quake has nothing to do with anything about gaming. what the fuck other games were out at the time that were better?

tell the seriousness thing to PJ. theres a prime example of someone (PJ/Madcat) taking someone elses text on the internet (cyanide) way to seriously.

but on the other end of that, i start to think the opposite. if it was an occasion thing for someone to act like a complete and utter faggot online, thats one thing. but for them to do that day in day out for YEARS, then that just helps prove how they are IRL. if they cant control what they say online, lord knows howd they'd act IRL.

stop bro, enough. You say some intelligent things, but then you get too down upon yourself and it all starts to sound like self-pity

I think this entire topic has been done to death already: you're overweight, some people feel you should try and change that, you feel you can't, you are trying to make the best of what you have. End of story.
SirLaggalot said:
k, read the first post(pretty good shit)

Other than that is it worth wasting my time reading the other 30 odd pages?

Does LOD ever post in it?

Thanks for your answers in advance.

No, she doesn't. It's mostly just Colosus flaming Terra, and then all of us flaming Mav. Funny, but unnecessary to read if you're just looking for the goods. =P
Mav said:
if i took tw serious, id have gone crazy by now, shooting schools and robbing banks and such. be that as it may, its still stupid for people to act different just cause they can. its like little kids, with a babysitter. when the parents go out, they think its perfectly ok to act like a fucking idiot cause the parental units arent home. bad example but still.

yeah but if what the kids are doing is harmless, who cares?
mav, i've skipped to this last page, but if you're trying to ostracize someone from the community due to a physical characteristic, in this case, her gender, then you're a stupid fucking faggot who hasn't learned one goddamned thing in life
gofishgrrl. said:
By the way, this is hilarious. Graduating high school is an "accomplishment?"


Some people aren't a genius. Not everyone is good at school, you take math for example. I could study math 4 hours every day, never miss a day in class, and still get a D in the course. Shit is just hard to comprehend. Which in the case of TW is yet another case of verbal ammunition to be used "omg hahah dumbass cant do math hashaksdhjsakjdaksj3ir3u34" :rolleyes:

They don't stop to think, there's 6.5 billion people in the world. I make up about 1/3 of that. Regardless, you'd think out of that many people, you expect ALL of them to be really smart people? There's a reason the grade of C means average, cause most people are just that; average.
Read the whole thing and now a have a friggen headach!
The ebbs and flow in this thread are incredible! :ftard:
Rabid Poop said:
yeah but if what the kids are doing is harmless, who cares?

cause, its not always harmless. take giga. while i hate the mother fucker, and it was funny as hell that someone called him, you still think that was harmless someone calling his house at 2 in the morning waking up his family?

its harmless till it starts affecting real life. not saying this is affecting mine but there are countless cases where it has (jeremy calling col, dude calling giga, etc etc)


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