TW Loves Drama, Right? COMEON!

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Pagy said:
sloth = deadly sin

im not christian

while i do believe in forms of good and evil

i do not believe in any one god or devil

people like you taunt me long ago (IRL not online) that this world is too awful for a god to have created it. no just deity would make such an imperfect world
Mav said:
please, if im an attention whore as most people say

then you damn well know you are as well. you dont play tribes, at all, some select females in the community, yet you're still here for no good reason other than to flaunt that you're female.

you're brother, if he was a good one, would never let you near this place, ever. obviously he's too busy gettin high

1. I used to play Tribes - albeit not very much, but I still played it. I used to play a TON of Quake, but I'm more into DAOC now. I don't have to play Tribes all the fucking time just to post in this forum. I post in the same way you do, but I don't whine all the fucking time and the only thing that's "flaunting" the fact that I'm female is that "grrl" is in my name. As I've explained before - this nick is about 4 years old.

2. "You are" brother?

3. My brother is 3 years younger than me. He has no business telling me where I should and shouldn't be posting on the internet, and why would he do that anyway? It's TRIBALWAR. It's just a bunch of people flaming others. I don't give a fuck about what people think about me on here, so it doesn't matter anyway.

4. My brother may get high, but he has a job, goes to school, goes to the gym regularly, has a ton of friends, and is an awesome guy. More than I can say for you, darling. Just stfu/stfd.
Mav said:
If my pictures do reflect my physical size, which they do, then people like Pagy's, internet attitude actions etc also depict what they are IRL

I don't act the same way on the internet as i do IRL.
Mav said:
people like you taunt me long ago (IRL not online) that this world is too awful for a god to have created it. no just deity would make such an imperfect world

Freudian slip?
=mizuno= said:
In all honesty, can anyone seriously say, that you wouldn't have sex with a 16 year-old almost 17 year old girl if you were only 18 years old... To me, I see nothing wrong with that. I am aware of the legal system's view on this, but morally, I see nothing wrong with it.

Morally, I see no problem with what he did.

Because of the legal issues, however, there IS something wrong with her lying about her age and thus allowing him to unknowingly commit a potential crime (though Illinois laws on consent might mean that it was legal intercourse, I don't know).
Mav said:
i highly doubt that
i'm sure you do. then again, you wouldn't really be an expert of social interaction.
You'd only be an expert of having no potential.

i have friends well over 300lbs, and guess what? they actually accomplished things in their lives. people respect that.
Coolguy said:
Just to start this off:
I never dated, seen, met LOD. That is a story that has been flying around TW for too long now.

SHE WAS ONLY A TEAMMATE OF MINE I never knew Rach before she joined ReZ. I never seen any of the pics going around TW. When she did join rez (Mitsubishi invited her in) I was the only guy on our team that treated her like anyone else, and I think that’s the reason her and I lead into a friendly relationship. Yeah I talked to her on the phone, but I do that with most of our teammates. She did tell me that she was 23 I was owned there. She told me she was going to school to become a lawyer. She is a very intelligent, bright young girl but can make some poor decisions and for the most part had most of TW fooled about her age. She told me she owned the house she was living in, And the Rouche mustang she owned, And everything she ever told me, I think just to lead me on. So he tells me she is going to AZ for a family trip come New Years 2003, We both wanted to meet each other so I told her I would drive from Glendale, CA to Glendale, AZ.

I drove there, must had been 8 hours by myself. She was supposed to call me that night in the car to make sure I got go AZ alright. No Call. I don’t think much about it. Next morning rolls around and still no call(3 days till newyears). The next few days were hell, I did not have anyway to get a hold of her because she had my cell number and I didn’t think I needed to call her for anything, she could just call me… The plane was for us to spend New Years together, camping just her and me and the woods. LAFF. I got O-W-N-E-D. she didn’t ever call. I ended up going to AZ for nothing. She turned out to be a huge lie from every poisoness word that hit my ear.

Apparently she was also planning to get together with Riddle and Skillz from Wolfpac, Rich, Mitz, Bryan from E5 all at the same time. She was leading us all on, and those are only the names I know of. Comes down to she played me, but hey if she told any of you that she would give up her virginity to you and gave you a date and time to meet her, would you not go?

Its 5am Rich just showed me this thread. This is the half story and boy the full one has lots of juicy details, I dont have time for that with my small party going on in my house right now nor do I want to waste my time. I will read the rest of the thread later. I just hope the rest of the guys come forward and speak their mind. If you are going to be friends with LOD be careful. She will never earn my trust again. I am chill so I am not going to let her get to me in anyway.
Wheres my C&C Generals :roller:
BTW, what I find so sad is that an attractive and intelligent young girl feels the need to resort to this type of behavior.

Whatever issues that she has, it is a shame that she is unable to live a less destructive and painful life. :(
Pagy said:
i'm sure you do. then again, you wouldn't really be an expert of social interaction.
You'd only be an expert of having no potential.

i have friends well over 300lbs, and guess what? they actually accomplished things in their lives. people respect that.

its funny how, your friends that are fat you'll acknowledge their accomplishments, but myself, nothing is ever an accomplishment.

graduating high school, going to college (albeit a shitty one), etc

for most people those are standard things to do, but for those of us who have to try harder to do them, we feel they are accomplishments, in their own right. lovely double standard you have
gofishgrrl. said:
1. I used to play Tribes - albeit not very much, but I still played it. I used to play a TON of Quake, but I'm more into DAOC now. I don't have to play Tribes all the fucking time just to post in this forum. I post in the same way you do, but I don't whine all the fucking time and the only thing that's "flaunting" the fact that I'm female is that "grrl" is in my name. As I've explained before - this nick is about 4 years old.

2. "You are" brother?

3. My brother is 3 years younger than me. He has no business telling me where I should and shouldn't be posting on the internet, and why would he do that anyway? It's TRIBALWAR. It's just a bunch of people flaming others. I don't give a fuck about what people think about me on here, so it doesn't matter anyway.

4. My brother may get high, but he has a job, goes to school, goes to the gym regularly, has a ton of friends, and is an awesome guy. More than I can say for you, darling. Just stfu/stfd.
Rabid Poop said:
I don't act the same way on the internet as i do IRL.

thats whats wrong with alot of things. people think cause its all text on a screen hiding behind a computer they can act however they want, when they themselves know they'd never act that way IRL.
Mav said:
its funny how, your friends that are fat you'll acknowledge their accomplishments, but myself, nothing is ever an accomplishment.
that's because you're a attention-whoring, friendless, unemployed fat mass that bitches and whines about everything
Mav said:
thats whats wrong with alot of things. people think cause its all text on a screen hiding behind a computer they can act however they want, when they themselves know they'd never act that way IRL.

uhh what's wrong with that?

I think of tribalwar has a virtual playground, make fun of each other and everyone laughs about it. Sure I won't do that in real life because that's a whole different level of social interaction, something you wouldn't understand? If you take this shit on tribalwar seriously then that is a REAL problem.

also define "alot of things"
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