UFC 100

Im glad Brock won. The shit Mir was saying was... well it was shit, only thing Brock did was respond to Mirs comments (poorly at that too)

Id love to know what Brock said to Mir right after the fight. He looked pissed!


I believe it was something like, "go ahead and talk shit now".
brock lesnar is so fucking big and strong

and his composure and base were absolutely some of the best we have seen in MMA. his ground and pound was very methodical, he would have put anyone out. unless someone can handle his size, they are fucked, period
Brock is a bad sportsman?

Has anyone been paying attention to exactly how much shit has been heaped on him since he started competing in MMA? Mir and Herring both led up to the fights with massssive amounts of shit talk. Retarded asshole "fans" like yourselves who wouldn't know their asshole from a hole in the ground in a fight have nothing to say except "he fought in the WWE(f)".

Did he talk any shit during Couture? No? Oh, that's because he gives as good as he gets. He flipped off the crowd? Oh, because the crowd fucking sucks and boos like a bunch of goddamn rednecks.

Brock was no doubt on steroids 5-7 years ago when he was 350lbs. There is no way/reason for him to be on anything now. He has to fucking cut down to 265.

God you people are bandwagoners. Why don't you go watch a "real" sport more suited to your attention-spans?

Bud used to be American, bought out by In-Bev and wants to spin off the theme parks (Busch Gardens and Sea World). I'm pissed about that and now drink Heinekin and Blue Moon, even if they are also foreign fuck beers.

Fedor has beaten many goons bigger than him. Fedor wants a Russian version of the UFC with Dana funding it, while Dana wants Fedor to give up everything (Sambo) and come to America.

Mir didn't have an escape plan when Brock smothered him. The next fighter who will kick Brock's arse will be Kongo.
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Mir didn't have an escape plan when Brock smothered him. The next fighter who will kicks Brock's arse will be Kongo.

Kongo has absolutely NO ground game. I think Lesnar would take him out in the first round.

I honestly don't know who in the UFC could take him right now. He's just too damn big and strong, and frankly the UFC heavyweight division is kinda weak right now. He'll be running that shit for a long time.
right now I would say a submission specialist has a better shot than anyone. Your not going to beat him on the ground...the guy is huge and fast on the ground. He is big with a good reach so unless you get a lucky shot, doubtful anyone would do damage standing up. But a submission guy with plenty of toughness could win the match, wouldnt necessarily have to whip his ass to win. Mir did it with an ankle lock the first fight.

Brock will rule this division for quite some time.
Kongo has absolutely NO ground game. I think Lesnar would take him out in the first round.

I honestly don't know who in the UFC could take him right now. He's just too damn big and strong, and frankly the UFC heavyweight division is kinda weak right now. He'll be running that shit for a long time.

its not UFCs heavyweight, its all the heavyweight divisions... heavyweight is just really shallow. I think carwin could do it tho..
Brock is a bad sportsman?

Has anyone been paying attention to exactly how much shit has been heaped on him since he started competing in MMA? Mir and Herring both led up to the fights with massssive amounts of shit talk. Retarded asshole "fans" like yourselves who wouldn't know their asshole from a hole in the ground in a fight have nothing to say except "he fought in the WWE(f)".

Did he talk any shit during Couture? No? Oh, that's because he gives as good as he gets. He flipped off the crowd? Oh, because the crowd fucking sucks and boos like a bunch of goddamn rednecks.

Brock was no doubt on steroids 5-7 years ago when he was 350lbs. There is no way/reason for him to be on anything now. He has to fucking cut down to 265.

God you people are bandwagoners. Why don't you go watch a "real" sport more suited to your attention-spans?
speaking of bandwagon... :lol:

newsflash: mir AND lesnar are BOTH asshole douchebag bad sportsmen. trying to excuse the way he behaves after he wins a fight or flipping off the crowd is fucking ridiculous.
No, what I'm saying is that Brock Lesnar still isn't getting any respect from a bunch of MMA faggots whos sport he currently fucking OWNS.
the ufc has had a lot of successful world class wrestlers and people get angsty over the fact lesnar pretended to fight in the wwf and seem to forget his real wrestling background.

that said, it sort of sucks to have him dominate an already shitty division because he's so fucking huge. i think a lot of people's emo-tears would dry up if there was a super hw division.
all you guys saying lesnar is the worst sportsman ever.. what did you think about tito? :lol:

Here's the thing.

Last night Brock went into defensive asshole mode for no fucking reason. I can understand getting in Mir's face after the fight because of high emotions. But then he flips off the crowd. Why? I mean they weren't even booing him yet. And those fucking comments he made at the end of the fight were the purest of the pure white trash, retarded, embarrassing as sportsman, completely uncalled for, Jerry Springer Show crap I have ever heard.

I swear to fucking god I saw the "I'm going to go home and fuck my wife" cliche comment coming a mile a way.

Once again....WHY? I swear he had a WWE flashback or something. He turned on everyone and was completely negative for no reason.

Ohh and Tito was more of a crybaby dumbass than a completely retarded asshole.

He got all defensive for no reason.
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