UFC 100

newsflash: mir AND lesnar are BOTH asshole douchebag bad sportsmen. trying to excuse the way he behaves after he wins a fight or flipping off the crowd is fucking ridiculous.
I applaud flipping off the crowd. It pisses me off to no end when people bitch about "boring" fights or complain about watching jiu jitsu. If you are buying MMA tickets/PPV, you are going to see MMA. Why the fuck would you be booing?

If you need something more exciting you can always go watch the WWE. Or shit, there are kickboxing events.

Granted, I don't particularly like Mir or Lesnar, they are both douchebags--that's true. At the same time I dislike MMA fans way more.
Phyzx's first MMA thread and he's just as retarded as when he's gay homering his lakers and usc for fifty pages straight. Retarded bitch is the fngerbang and orby of anything sports related.
I applaud flipping off the crowd. It pisses me off to no end when people bitch about "boring" fights or complain about watching jiu jitsu. If you are buying MMA tickets/PPV, you are going to see MMA. Why the fuck would you be booing?

If you need something more exciting you can always go watch the WWE. Or shit, there are kickboxing events.

Granted, I don't particularly like Mir or Lesnar, they are both douchebags--that's true. At the same time I dislike MMA fans way more.
i agree with you; too many ufc fans are like nascar fans. they dont care about the race, they just want to see a crash.

but that said, he wasn't being booed for these dumb reasons they typically boo fighters for. they were booing because of the absolute disgraceful way he behaved at the end of the fight.
call me whatever you want...

Mir got what he deserved, and the elitist fucking MMA dorks got what they deserved as well.
When you have something insightful to share with us I would be glad to reply.

The fans were booing Lesnar from the entrance to the exit. They were even dumb enough to chant "Stand them up!" when Brock had him pinned against the fence, getting his face pummeled until unconscious. It just describes a large portion of uneducated UFC viewers.

If you just accomplished something you worked hard for and someone started pissing on your parade, you would tell them to fuck off as well.

So, well, fuck off.