UFC 100

it would have been nice to see Brock chill the fuck out and say something like this after his victory:

I've beaten several very game opponents now. You all have no reason to boo. I'm for real and you all need to recognize this. Thanks to the UFC and all of my blah blah blah... Come party with me at Club XYZ

I dunno, maybe he wants to be the villain. He could have leveraged that win in a MUCh different way imo.
it would have been nice to see Brock chill the fuck out and say something like this after his victory:

I dunno, maybe he wants to be the villain. He could have leveraged that win in a MUCh different way imo.

did brock talk any shit before or after defeating randy? I recall them both being pretty professional during interviews and such.

However both herring and mir played the fake wrestler card and talked alot of shit before getting their asses handed to them and brock followed with his stupid antics.
When you have something insightful to share with us I would be glad to reply.

The fans were booing Lesnar from the entrance to the exit. They were even dumb enough to chant "Stand them up!" when Brock had him pinned against the fence, getting his face pummeled until unconscious. It just describes a large portion of uneducated UFC viewers.

If you just accomplished something you worked hard for and someone started pissing on your parade, you would tell them to fuck off as well.

So, well, fuck off.
they have a million reasons to boo him... like the way he behaved at the end of the herrring fight, for example.

they boo a lot of fighters during the entrance; not all fighters cry about it. pointing out that they booed him during the exit is comical.

then if you want to talk about "uneducated ufc viewers" let's talk about the people that actually want to watch brock just lay on top of people and beat people because he's so fucking big. to you that's entertainment but people would rather see fights not be determined based on how much you weigh. brock can be an entertianing fighter. when he just plays the "i win" card and lays on top of people it turns some fans off. i'm personally not one of them, but i can at least understand why.

once he won he started hollering at mir then flipped off the crowd... yes this is acceptable behaviour according to you because he was booed during the entrance...

people boo anderson silva all the time. you don't see him disrespect the other fighter at the end of the fight and you dont see him flip off the crowd even after his last fight vs leites.

if you actually think that lesnar had a reason to behave that way after the fight then that makes you the same kind of classless redneck he is.
I have it on DVR, times are not into the fight, but time left:

small outbreak of boo's at 3:05,
more boo's at 2:47,
then more boos at 2:13

Most of those boo's I don't think are directed at Lesnar more then they are at the typical mma fan wanting nothing more then a kick boxing match.. That's typical though for any fight.

Round 2 starts with them cheering at mir's smile and huge roars of cheers when brock lets Mir up and when mir hits him with the two knee's, at 4:08 when lesnar drops mir to his back the boo's start in heavy for about 5 seconds then stop.

At about 3:40 they start yelling "Stand them up" as lesnars beating the shit out of mir and then start roaring and cheering for him.

Mir is stumbling around and gets on his feet and moves TOWARD Lesnar and lesnar walks up to him and says "talk shit now" and the crowd starts booing at him so he flips them off.

This is the problem, Mir got up and went toward Lesnar. I think Mir just was out and didn't know what he was doing.. you later hear Lesnar say to the ring guard "Just keep him out of my face and I will" as a response to them asking him to calm down.

When they raise his hands he is half getting boo'd with some mixed in cheer's. When they start the post fight interview they are all booing at this point.

All in all though, it wasn't as dramatic as when I first saw it last night. By the end of the interview they were laughing and cheering. I am glad he did what he did in a way, I don't like this whole bullshit we are all friends outside the ring type personality the UFC is trying to pass off.

Dana bitched him out hardcore after the fight from what I read, but I bet that had a lot more to do with the fact he was shit talking sponsors then flipping off fans.
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they have a million reasons to boo him... like the way he behaved at the end of the herrring fight, for example.

they boo a lot of fighters during the entrance; not all fighters cry about it. pointing out that they booed him during the exit is comical.

then if you want to talk about "uneducated ufc viewers" let's talk about the people that actually want to watch brock just lay on top of people and beat people because he's so fucking big. to you that's entertainment but people would rather see fights not be determined based on how much you weigh. brock can be an entertianing fighter. when he just plays the "i win" card and lays on top of people it turns some fans off. i'm personally not one of them, but i can at least understand why.

once he won he started hollering at mir then flipped off the crowd... yes this is acceptable behaviour according to you because he was booed during the entrance...

people boo anderson silva all the time. you don't see him disrespect the other fighter at the end of the fight and you dont see him flip off the crowd even after his last fight vs leites.

if you actually think that lesnar had a reason to behave that way after the fight then that makes you the same kind of classless redneck he is.

You don't watch much MMA do you? Fans ALWAYS Boo ground fighters because they aren't beating the shit out of each other. It is very rare in any fight I watch to not see the boo's start once they hit the ground. Ive even heard the crowds start booing when two BJJ fights are switching dominant positions and trading off attempts at subs.

and Mir approached Lesnar at the end of the fight. They were holding him back and Lesnar went up to him and yelled at him then backed off quit trying to dramatize it like Lesnar ran up to him and started screaming in his face.
You don't watch much MMA do you? Fans ALWAYS Boo ground fighters because they aren't beating the shit out of each other. It is very rare in any fight I watch to not see the boo's start once they hit the ground. Ive even heard the crowds start booing when two BJJ fights are switching dominant positions and trading off attempts at subs.

and Mir approached Lesnar at the end of the fight. They were holding him back and Lesnar went up to him and yelled at him then backed off quit trying to dramatize it like Lesnar ran up to him and started screaming in his face.

Exactly. They were booing pretty loudly before the 2 minute mark in the first round and this was while mirs face was getting smashed.
did brock talk any shit before or after defeating randy? I recall them both being pretty professional during interviews and such.

However both herring and mir played the fake wrestler card and talked alot of shit before getting their asses handed to them and brock followed with his stupid antics.
i think you missed my point. he could have come out of this event with a LOT more fans had he not played the asshole card and acted with integrity. i'm not validating/dismissing any party's behavior. i'm simply stating that a different attitude would have served him and the UFC better.
i think you missed my point. he could have come out of this event with a LOT more fans had he not played the asshole card and acted with integrity. i'm not validating/dismissing any party's behavior. i'm simply stating that a different attitude would have served him and the UFC better.

I think you missed my point. This doesnt appear to be brock bringing the wwe to the ufc and trying to be the "villian" because other wise he would of did the samething when he KO'd randy.

For record I agree with you on what he should of done.
Fuck lesnar

God I want to see fedor beat his ass but it won't happen

have to settle for Nog subbing him

It's hilarious how people think he is actually a top 3 HW, he has beaten some names but cmon, an old Couture and frank mir... Frank mir really hasn't done shit lately but beat up a dying and sick nog.

Couture put up a better fight.

The only person in the UFC who is of note at HW is big nog.
You don't watch much MMA do you? Fans ALWAYS Boo ground fighters because they aren't beating the shit out of each other. It is very rare in any fight I watch to not see the boo's start once they hit the ground. Ive even heard the crowds start booing when two BJJ fights are switching dominant positions and trading off attempts at subs.

and Mir approached Lesnar at the end of the fight. They were holding him back and Lesnar went up to him and yelled at him then backed off quit trying to dramatize it like Lesnar ran up to him and started screaming in his face.

You are an idiot

they booed lesnar because he is a meat head steroid freak given a title because of PPV draw not because he earned shit WWE. Put him against Aleks Emalienanko, Barnett, A non sick nog, or Fedor and you have a joke fight.
You are an idiot

they booed lesnar because he is a meat head steroid freak given a title because of PPV draw not because he earned shit WWE. Put him against Aleks Emalienanko, Barnett, A non sick nog, or Fedor and you have a joke fight.

:lol: you only mentioned 1 UFC fighter in that rant of yours. If nobody else can beat him why the fuck are you talking about earning anything? Nobody else can beat him in the UFC.
You don't watch much MMA do you? Fans ALWAYS Boo ground fighters because they aren't beating the shit out of each other. It is very rare in any fight I watch to not see the boo's start once they hit the ground. Ive even heard the crowds start booing when two BJJ fights are switching dominant positions and trading off attempts at subs.

and Mir approached Lesnar at the end of the fight. They were holding him back and Lesnar went up to him and yelled at him then backed off quit trying to dramatize it like Lesnar ran up to him and started screaming in his face.
i don't think that's a fair statement. they boo some grounds fighters some times.

just like they didn't chant "stand them up" in the first round either. just like how they didn't react that bad during the gsp fight.

in some cases you're absolutely right they boo too early, but i still dont think that was the case last night. and i have no excuses for mir or lesnar, like i've said they are both retarded.
i was watching this at a bar, and max talbot and fucking GOLDBERG was there.

needless to say, before the main event, there was a goldberg chant started by my group of friends
You love to selectively forget the fact they were booing the hell out of him when he won the fight and as they were presenting him the belt and then he agitated them even more, but he wasn't the instigator.

I am not disagreeing that I love to watch two very technical fighters do combat, but booing someone purely because of their size is ignorant. He fights in the weight class he is assigned.

He used to be an NCAA wrestler and now he is an MMA fighter, like so many other guys out there. Get over it.
You love to selectively forget the fact they were booing the hell out of him when he won the fight and as they were presenting him the belt and then he agitated them even more, but he wasn't the instigator.

I am not disagreeing that I love to watch two very technical fighters do combat, but booing someone purely because of their size is ignorant. He fights in the weight class he is assigned.

He used to be an NCAA wrestler and now he is an MMA fighter, like so many other guys out there. Get over it.
ignoring his size and the weight class and the wwe background altogether, the way he behaved after the herring fight alone is reason enough to still boo him.

he's a barely likable asshole it has nothing to do with his fighting.
I don't watch MMA too much, this was only the second event(?) I've watched. I saw the Lyoto v. Rashad fight in UFC98(?) and saw a lot of the hype for the Lesnar/Mir fight for UFC 100. Even though Mir was humble at the end, he was a complete bitch during the all of the pre fight hype. Brock seemed like he didn't want to talk to anyone about it and just wanted to get in the octagon. That said, Lesnar was a huge douchebag but I'm not expecting HUGE SCARY FIGHTERS to have much class. If Federer flung his rolex in the crowd and started flicking people off after he won Wimbeldon I would be surprised, but Brock Lesnar with his gelled hair and dick tattoo? :lol: I wasn't too worried about it.

GSP on the other hand was a complete badass. Controlled the entire fight and after about halfway the second round it seemed done, Alves was pretty gassed and GSP dominated with the grappling/wrestling.

I can see myself getting more into this sport and will probably split the price of 101 Declaration with a few friends.
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ignoring his size and the weight class and the wwe background altogether, the way he behaved after the herring fight alone is reason enough to still boo him.

he's a barely likable asshole it has nothing to do with his fighting.

If the booing began purely because Brock went on a tangent after the fight for no reason, your arguement would be valid. But alas, it isn't. And as such he gets a pass in my book for overreacting to a very emotional fight.

I doubt you have taken two seconds to even think about how you would feel after previously feeling unjustified in certain aspects of your loss, to come back and win, and be on such a massive stage with so much emotion running through yourself.