UFC 100

Kongo has absolutely NO ground game. I think Lesnar would take him out in the first round.
I honestly don't know who in the UFC could take him right now.
True. This kinda sucks because the HW division is weak.

Just watched it again. Mir looked good at the start of round 2 with the flying knees, but Brock's punches on the ground were just devastating. Brock pissed off the fans even more because he didn't touch gloves, then he gave them the finger at the end. He doesn't go on the internet, so you won't hear anything about him until the up close show just before his next fight in a few months. So he's not someone the fans can follow.

And that's the problem with the UFC in general, the high lites can't be on ESPN because it's all PPV.
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The new king of MMA is a wrestler from Minnesota, and the MMA crowd absolutely HATES that fact.

Brock is reacting to what the MMA fans in general have been saying about his "skill" since the beginning. He's been CONTINUALLY bad-mouthed by the vast majority of the MMA world since he came over, so he has EVERY reason to flip off the crowd of nay-sayers. They were NEVER going to embrace him regardless of how he acts.
how many times does he need to act like a redneck retard after a fight and apologize before you figure out the apologies are meaningless.
nor did I say that Brock is a greater fighter than Fedor, idiot.

then why are u so hostile 2 me??

is brock lesnar ur bff

what i AM saying is THAT anyone ELSE feel like PHYZX seems to be GETTING sexual gratification FROM brock lesnar WINNING?
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getting bored watching GSPs ground-n-pound and takedowns

Brock Lesnar will probably beat up Fedor just due to sheer strength and size

++ where's that Jon Jones fight?
then why are u so hostile 2 me??

is brock lesnar ur bff

what i AM saying is THAT anyone ELSE feel like PHYZX seems to be GETTING sexual gratification FROM brock lesnar WINNING?

Watching Brock shut up the entire MMA world was very satisfactory. Heaven forbid someone root for a local legend to win, and enjoy that win despite the multitudes of elitist pricks predicting his demise.
Yeah, that is great he apologized, but not everyone in that building will see or hear about it. I don't blame Dana for making him apologize, because Bud is a major sponsor of the event. Yet Brock thought they should be paying him. He did seem sincere with it, so I'll give him that, but like I said before, we don't hear much from Brock until his next fight. He'll disappear back to his farm and there won't be anything for fans to follow on the net. I saw the up close show before the Randy fight, and the guy doesn't even have a computer in his house. Him and Sable decided it was a distraction.
Watching Brock shut up the entire MMA world was very satisfactory. Heaven forbid someone root for a local legend to win, and enjoy that win despite the multitudes of elitist pricks predicting his demise.

Honestly I haven't heard anyone say shit about Brock not being able to fight. I have heard more shit talk from his fan base because...well.. most of them are pro wrestling fans.

Most of the shit talk against him has been about the fact that he got catapulted to the top of the division without proving himself. A lot of guys have been fighting for a hell of a lot longer and they got cheated out of any kind of title shot(even if we know Lesnar is way better).

Hell I should love Lesnar, being that I come from a wrestling backround and I'm from Minnesota originally.

I thought Lesnar would lose because he's new to Mixed martial arts and lacks defensive skills for other fighting styles.

And in the end he acted like a complete idiot after the fight.

Most guys talk all kinds of shit before the fight but after they congratulate each other and embrace each other as a show of sportsmanship and respect.
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this aint motha fuckin street fighter, u dont need to counter and stack resistances

just get on that ass and beat dat ass
id say that going into the fight the predictions were pretty even, some purists assumed mir would win some way, and a lot of realistic people saw brock putting a hole in mir's face