Joining Navy Late in Life


doesnt seem that bad 2me. no worse than living in a small house with kids.

I got a bachelors in international relations. may actually be useful for navy work.

life is ok. lots of travel. lots of panic. lots of miscommunication that leads to me face2face2customer with :shrug: look. i mean its oooookkkkkk but if i miss the cutoff date then i just get a 20yr stint at this office n then que curtain.

Until you get pink eye from hot bunking with some asshole with poor hygiene.

But yeah, if you have a degree, try and go OCS. Life is 100 times better as an officer, and you get to wear those stupid fancy white dress uniforms to boot.

doesnt seem that bad 2me. no worse than living in a small house with kids.

I got a bachelors in international relations. may actually be useful for navy work. maybe with the shit enlistment numbers and whatever, i can get on as an officer

life is ok. lots of travel. lots of panic. lots of confusing miscommunication that leads to me face2face2customer with :shrug: look. i mean its oooookkkkkk but if i miss the cutoff date then i just get a 20yr stint at this office n then que curtain. lets spice this up

i been a lot of shitty places and lived a lot of shitty places. so i dont think adjusting to boat life is the worst thing ever. im not exactly a dainty daisy. i tried to sign up for the army when i was maybe 22 or so, the officer rejected it based on my criminal record - but that was during a drawdown so they were trying to dump people at that time.

01 ensign officer is $3,600/month

seems the big pay jump is on the 3rd yr. $4,500

so we're about same in terms of pay rates between private/navy so no big deal 'lowering' my living condition since its already pretty much, uh, low.

ok i think you were conflating terms unintentionally

enlisted != commissioned (officer)
we're gonna see what we can do about being an officer and get 1.5x pay

really, the navy needs to get down on their knees and beg for king methbieski to drive their tin cans around the pond
1 citation for misdemeanor weed possession.

i did the crime n did the 10 hours community service

which coincidentally could totally grenade a career in the military.

?who knew?
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I don't know if i would want to join the navy at that age.

Air force, sure, space force, sure. army, maybe depending on MOS, marines..nope
1 citation for misdemeanor weed possession.

i did the crime n did the 10 hours community service

which coincidentally could totally grenade a career in the military.

?who knew?

They might overlook that.

Yes, military has a zero tolerance policy. Has been there since after Vietnam.
navy seems most desperate

i have probably...........6 close family members (uncles, cousins) that all served or are currently in military.

air force, army, but never navy. Good jobs too, like apache pilots and civil engineering and tanks.

so thatd be new n fun. i can get a certified waiver or letters of recommendation from relatives for the misdemeanor to make it go away.
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he United States Navy's Officer Candidate School (abbreviated OCS) provides initial training for officers of the line and select operational staff corps communities (supply and CEC) in the United States Navy. Along with United States Naval Academy (USNA) and Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC), OCS is one of three principal sources of newly commissioned naval officers.

Qualified U.S. citizens who hold a bachelor's degree meet with an Officer Recruiter and prepare packages for consideration. Selection is competitive.

Officer Candidates are already associated with a designator when they begin their training at OCS. This is in contrast to USNA and NROTC, where trainees are not associated with a community until soon before commissioning.

Course of training
OCS classes are numbered by the federal fiscal year of their graduation (e.g., 09-19 would be the ninth class to graduate in fiscal year 2019).

Officer candidate uniforms are similar to those worn at USNA and NROTC, with several notable differences. Candidates wear plain foul anchors. In the final phase, candidate officers wear the collar device of MIDN ENS through MIDN CAPT, but are never referred to as Midshipmen.

The U.S. Navy Officer Candidate shoulderboard is worn by the entire regiment without reference to collar device.
Those in training at OCS are mustered at the pay grade of E-5 unless they are prior enlisted already holding a higher pay grade. While attending OCS the students hold the rank of Officer Candidate Under Instruction Second Class (OCUI2).[1] Officer candidate uniforms are similar to those worn at NROTC programs and USNA, but officer candidates are never referred to as midshipmen.

Classes advance through four distinct phases, gradually taking on greater responsibility and preparing to commission:
Odds KS makes captain and drives his own boat in 10 years?

i already got a canoe. i got an trolling motor. so its like, im already trained.

Step 1: Determine your eligibility. Step 2: Prepare your professional resume. Step 3: Contact local officer recruiter. Step 4: Take the required aptitude exam. Step 5: Complete Navy NASIS.
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the navy/us fed govt will not help you w her kids or her unless she becomes a US citizen along w her kids

you arent smart enough to make it through OCS

your degree is worthless bc of point #2

you won't see a signing bonus over 10k

sry but someone needs to hit u w some reality
if i got the bachelors then does that just move me from like, e-1 to e-2 or do i start out as an officer rank

Sigh. A degree might be another way to get a rank bump as enlisted.

I don’t think those signing bonuses apply to joining the officer corps.

The degree you have has to match the needs of the navy. A degree in gender studies won’t hack it. They are usually looking for engineering degrees. You really need to sit down with a recruiter and get more information.

Again, take the asvab test. Talk with recruiter. Don’t listen to us.
the navy/us fed govt will not help you w her kids or her unless she becomes a US citizen along w her kids

you arent smart enough to make it through OCS

your degree is worthless bc of point #2

you won't see a signing bonus over 10k

sry but someone needs to hit u w some reality

:) all input welcome.