Leftist Grooming: When is it too far?

There was that, and also drinking the blood of kids that had been regurgitated by Hillary Clinton and tons of other things that Havax and Data pretended that they didn't believe once they started getting laughed at.

I think Qanon was a place for weird people to act out their fantasies. Once they knew they were being observed, they abandoned everything and pretended they had nothing to do with it in the first place.

i didn't believe that shit until now b/c i kno ur laffing @ them and they backed down like the weak sauce wasps they r, so i'll step up and be THE MAN for them

hillary clinton doesn't regurgitate kids' blood, she'd never share something she luvs that much w/ others
Critics furious as Disney's first-ever "Pride Nite" will still feature hours of waiting in Straight lines.
sorry gouge, but there isnt any line @ disney thats short enough to just be a straight line.

Once was enough.
You gotta love a work so effective that both sides capitalize, both make a ton of money, absolutely nothing will change as a result and yet everyone feels like they somehow won.
If you can make an issue left vs right there is money to be made.

And money will be made.

The question is whether each competing side gets simply bored of all this nonsense and it fizzles out, or does it blow up in everyone's face.

History tends to point in one direction imo
nobody is ever gonna get bored of this nor is it ever going to blow up

it's just gonna be like this